Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another Green Opportunity!

LEARN how Delaware will adapt to SEA LEVEL RISE AND flooding

Sponsored by the Delaware League of Women Voters Education Fund, Delaware Interfaith Power and Light, League of Women Voters of New Castle County, Limestone Presbyterian Church and Delaware Nature Society

3201 Limestone Road                                                           
See Directions to the Church at www.LimestonePresbyterian.org)

7:00 - 8:30 PM
Refreshments at 6:45 pm.
          Climate change, sea level rise and flooding are critical issues for all three of Delaware’s counties.  As part of Sea Level Rise Awareness Week, we welcome you, the public, to learn more about what you can expect to happen with sea level rise and storm surge in your state.  Hopefully, many of your questions will be answered as you learn about the recommendations that are being presented to the Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Control by the Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee.  Join us for a lively, serious discussion.
Welcome – Bruce Gillette, Pastor, Limestone Presbyterian Church--video

Moderator – Mike Rominger, Co-Leader Leader, New Castle County Congregations of Delaware Interfaith Power and Light

Dr. Chad Tolman, Scientist Concerned with Climate Change – The Science Behind Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
Bruce Gillette, Pastor, Limestone Church – The Moral Dilemma

Brenna Goggin – Environmental Advocate, Delaware Nature Society --             Recommendations of the Sea Level Advisory Committee

Question and Answer Period 
Green Opportunity!

Save the Date of Tuesday, September 10th!

Join us at 7 pm at St. Paul's United Methodist Church on Foulk Road

We have an exciting year ahead and look forward to exploring with you how we can share the many gifts, talents, and resources of DeIPL, its churches and members
with each other and with our communities.

We will have “turbo-talks” -5 minute samplings on:
Energy, climate change and sea level rise
Saving lives with a Delaware heat health warning system
Wind power for your home is not a lot of hot air
“To frack or not to frack, that is the question”
Ethical eating and climate change
How to do dinner and an environmental movie

A speakers' bureau is only one way to share our gifts and talents. There are many others including professional energy evaluations of houses of worship.
Come brainstorm with us.

The New Castle County Congregations
Delaware Interfaith Power and Light*
(NC3 of DeIPL)

Meeting at St. Paul's United Methodist Church
1314 Foulk Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803
(Reach Foulk Road via Route 202 or Naaman's Road. The church is located between the Brandywine Hundred Library and the Brandywine High School. Park in the back and walk to the back door of the church.)

*Delaware Interfaith Power & Light (DEIPL) marshals Delaware’s faith communities to face the serious issue of climate change. We seek to ensure a livable planet for ourselves and future generations.